Saturday, August 16, 2008

Friday morning report - 0 Dark Hundred Hours

So far, I've managed to make to exactly 1 of the Friday Morning Reports my buddy Craig Cmehil has hosted, because he hosts them from his home office in Germany. For him, it's the pleasant hour of 9AM; for me it's prime Rapid Eye Movement time at 3AM, eastern US. The west coast could probably handle staying up until midnight to watch the show; it's definitely more entertaining than Conan O'Brien.

Craig started an online poll, after a few of us suggested a later hour. Moving the sho to the afternoon in Germany would require renaming it, etc., so the latest time proposed is 11:15 CET. That's 5:15 AM for me, I think, until we fall back or spring forward off daylight savings time.

I've already voted, and it's now 3 for 11, 0 for 10 and 0 for 9. Let the ballot-stuffing continue!

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